Monday, 4 February 2013

Hoollongapar Gibbon Wildlife Sanctuary

Locationlocated in Jorhat district of Assam
Nearest AccessJorhat City
Main Wildlife FoundPrimates (Hoolock Gibbon, Stump-tailed Macaque, Capped Langur,Pig -tailed Macaque, Assamese Macaque, Slow Loris and Rhesus Macaque)
Coverage Area2,098.62 ha (8.1 sq mi)
Temperaturestemp ranges from 7 to 35 degree Celsius
LanguagesAssamese, English
Best SeasonOctober to February.
The Hoollongapar Gibbon Sanctuary was earlier known as the Gibbon wildlife sanctuary. The sanctuary lies in a deserted area of evergreen forests in the jungles of Assam. The sanctuary came into existence in the year 1997. The forests of the sanctuary are surrounded by tiny villages and tea gardens on all sides. In the 1900’s the process of artificial regeneration was taken up by the reserve so that they could build up a forest that was rich in biodiversity. This sanctuary has the gibbon monkeys which are only found here in the entire country. The sanctuary is home to the Hoolock gibbons and the slow Loris. The trees that are found here in the sanctuary are the hollong trees and the Nahar.
History: the sanctuary gets its name from the Hollongapar Reserve Forest which lies in the Jorhat district in Assam. The sanctuary was initially set aside to be a reserve forest but later was turned into a wildlife sanctuary. The sanctuary is named after the Hollong tree which is found in a large number in these forests. The forest is surrounded by tea gardens and tiny villages on all sides. These tea gardens and villages connect the reserve to parts of Nagaland. The forests have been inhabited by people for quite some time. It has undergone defragmentation to quite an extent. Since the sanctuary is located at such a high altitude it also has a very diverse type of vegetation. In the year 1997 the sanctuary was renamed as the “Gibbon Wildlife Sanctuary”. It was named so as these Gibbon monkeys are only found here and not in any other part of India.
Weather and Best time to visit: the sanctuary has moderate temperature all throughout the year. Assam tends to receive the highest quantity of rainfall. Hence the place is very humid. The average amount of rainfall that the sanctuary gets is around 249 cm. the sanctuary is sprawled on an area of about 20.98 sq km. the best time to visit the sanctuary is from the month of October to February.
How to reach
By Air: Jorhat airport is the closest airport to the sanctuary. It is about 25 km away.
By Rail: The Mariani railway station is the closest to the sanctuary.
By Road: Bus and taxis are easily available from Jorhat to the sanctuary.
Location Map

Wildlife Flora and Fauna
The sanctuary has the following Ou Tenga (Dillenia indicia),Amari (Aglaia spectabilis), Borhamthuri (Magnoliaceae hodgsonii), Bandardima (Dysoxylum sp.), Gahorisopa (Magnolia griffithii), Titachapa (Michelia baillonii), Bhelekor (Aristolochia tagala), Chalmogra (Hydnocarpus Kurzii), Bhelu (Tetramelos nudiflora), Bon Aam (Mangifera sylvatica), Borpat (Ailanthus integrifolia), Nahor (Mesua ferrea), Holong (Dipterocarpus macrocarpus), Bonpetha (Chrysophyllum roxburghii), Garjan (Dipterocarpus turbinatus), Himolu (Bombax ceiba), Selleng (Sapium baccatum), Rudraksha (Eleaeocarpaceae sphaericus), Dewa Sam (Artocarpus lacusha), Amora (Spondias pinnata), Moj (Pithecellobium monadelphum), Arjun (Terminaliaarjuna), Dhuna (Canarium bengalense), Halakh (Terminalia myriocarpa), Sationa (Alstonia scholaris), Sachi (Aqualaria agolacha), Kendu (Diospyros embryopteris), Cham Kothal (Artocarpus chama), Gamari (Gmelia arborea), Hingari (Castanopsis indica), Kath Badam (Mansonia dipikae),Lemtem (Gynocordia odorata), Paroli (Stereospermum chelonoides) etc.
The Main Fauna of HGS Includes
Western hoolock gibbon (Hoolock hoolock), northern pig-tailed macaque (Macaca lenina), eastern Assamese macaque (Macaca assamensis assamensis), stump-tailed macaque (Macaca arctoides), Bengal slow Loris (Nycticebus bengalensis) Indian Rhesus macaque (Macaca mulatta mulatta), hog deer (Axis porcinus), sambar (Cervus unicolor), porcupine (Hystrix indica), orange-bellied capped leaf monkey or capped langur (Trachypithecus pileatus durga), tiger (Panthera tigris), common leopard (Panthera pardus), jungle cat (Felis chaus), small Indian civet (Viverra Indica), common palm civet (Poradoxurus bermaphroditus), malayan giant squirrel (Ratufa bicolor), large lndian civet (Viverra zivetha), hoary-bellied squirrel (Callosciurus pygerythrus), cat snake (Boiga trigonata), Indian cobra (Naja Naja), common rat snake (Pitas mucous), Indian elephant (Elephas maximus), Indian python (Python molurus), marbled cat (Felis marmorata), common mongoose (Herpestes edwardsi), leopard cat (Felis bengalensis), common Indian mongoose (Herpestes auropunctatus), Indian fox (Vulpes bengalensis), jackal (Canis aureus), wild boar (Sus scrofa) etc.
Primate Community of Gibbon Wildlife Sanctuary
The different gibbon monkeys that are found here in the sanctuary are as follows:
  • Western hoolock gibbon, Hoolock hoolock,
  • Capped langur, Trachypithecus pileatus,
  • Bengal slow Loris, Nycticebus bengalensis,
  • Stump-tailed macaque, Macaca arctoides,
  • Northern pig-tailed macaque, Macaca leonine,
  • Rhesus macaque, Macaca mulatta.
  • Assamese macaque, Macaca assamensis
Where to Stay
The MD’S Continental Hotel at Marwari Patty is a very nice place to stay in. the airport is also close by to the hotel. The railway station is 15 km away and the bus station is a mere 5 minutes away. The hotel has deluxe, executive and VIP suites. All the amenities that are needed like television, electronic safehot and cold water are provided by the hotel. The food that is served here is of good quality.
Address - Marwari Patty, Jorhat, Assam - 785001, India
Address - Jorhat - Tourist Lodge, Jorhat, Assam, India
Address - Jorhat, Assam - 785001, India
General Information
If you want to visit this sanctuary then make sure you plan in advance and have the permission to visit it from the forest authorities. A police escort is needed to visit the sanctuary so you will need to get in touch with the ATDC.
Divisional Forest Officer, Jorhat Division
Tel: 0376-232008 (O)
230456 (R)
Photo Gallery




